Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi (born Andrea Almasi on the 5th of June on 1985, located in Hendersonville, Tennessee) is an American Model and aspiring Actress. Almasi was Briefcase Model No. 19 during the premiere week of NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal the show that aired in December 2005. AJ grew up as a "tomboy" living in Hendersonville Tennessee with Braces, glasses, and spectacles. She didn't think that she could do this, but she loves doing it. Friends and family members said she was "bubbly", because her character is strong and that the goals she dreams of can be realized. Almasi became a beautiful glamour woman when she started her career as a model as well as acting. Aj Almasi's name was born Andrea Almasi. She was chosen as one of 26 Briefcase Models for the new NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal in December 2005. Deal or No Deal 2005, Bikini Locations (2003), The Late Late Show which was hosted by Craig Ferguson and The Late Late Show, Aj Almasi, is her acting profession. She stood next to Briefcase AJ who is focusing on her acting and modeling profession in Los Angeles. She is looking to expand her career.

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